Monday, March 29, 2010

Gardein “Chicken” Scaloppini with Shiitake Sake Sauce, Braised Spinach and Spaghetti oh and that other stuff – chicken…

Can you tell the difference?!?!??
OK Guys here’s the deal…. I love doing this blog and spreading the word about not only good food but fabulous vegetarian dishes AND Meatatarian meals…. the issue is… these recipes take a little bit of time to type up – and while I don’t mind, in fact I LOVE to share… I don’t know who is reading this blog other than my mother-in-law – thank you Mom!!!!  I am going to continue to post because I enjoy it, but… if you would like the recipe just ask me, become a follower of the blog or e-mail me.  With all of that said… {{{{drum roll}}}} let me introduce you to “Chicken” Scallopini Asian Style….
Hubby and I both – LOVED – this dish!!  In fact, he even liked my veggie version – I know – Crazy!! 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

AMAZING!!!! Southwestern Black Bean Burgers

As promised here are the amazing, wonderful, scrumptious, delicious, yummy black bean burgers.  Man after all of those adjectives I hope you guys like them too….. yikes.  I have been craving these since I made them last week, in fact I had one for lunch the following afternoon and made it like a plain regular hamburger (or at least the way I like it) with mayo and ketchup!!!  Love it!!!  I also found the most amazing hamburger buns at Whole Foods, these may have made a difference because I can eat on these alone – delish!!  Also, I thought I would offer a heads up… The Berry Patch at the Piedmont Triad Farmers Market sells spices that are a great value – this is where I buy all of my spices and herbs that don’t come out of the garden.  Check them out!  The Southwestern burgers were served with an avocado salsa and oven fries – scrumpdeliumptious – yes, I am making up words now. :)
(Sorry the picture looks like this, the hubs had to remind me to take a picture… that’s how good it is!!)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tempeh Gyros with Raw Slaw

All I have to say is Holy Crap I am loving this diet!!!  Last night we had Black Bean Burgers which were AMAZING, but I promised this yummy recipe first.  I have never felt so light in my life, I haven't missed the meat but Lloyd’s chicken does look yummy sometimes.  What I love about this diet is that this lifestyle is just that… a lifestyle.  You don’t have to be perfect every time, you just need to make the correct choices as often as possible.  If you crave a piece of pepperoni then have a piece of pepperoni, don’t beat yourself up too badly about it.  I urge you to try it out.  If you don’t want to go full fledged vegetarian then just try it once or twice a week, you could even try Meatless Mondays.  Again, keep in mind that it is easy enough to make this a meatetarian meal if you prefer… add chicken or beef… for Lloyd I am roasting about 1 chicken breast a week that we shred and add to the meal as he wants it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Horrible Pizza

OK guys, no real post today.  I had to study for a Geology test last night and had other homework also….  I know, quite the cop out… :)  Anyway, I did maintain going vegetarian throughout the day and I have not missed the meat thus far.  I actually feel better (other than after the horrible, horrible pizza).  I haven’t been bloated, icky or anything which is really pretty new for me.  :)  Any

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Asian Sautéed Tofu and Ribs for Lloyd

OK, so this is the first attempt at Tofu and I have to admit, it was pretty good – tasted like an egg omelet.  Everyone keeps telling me that Tofu is a lot like chicken so I decided to approach it like chicken.  Made sense to me.  It worked out well, you even marinate and cook it a lot like chicken and to top it off I felt better today.  I know, it is probably all in my head but as long as it is working who really cares, right?!?!
Ingredient List is as follows:
1 pkg. Extra Firm Tofu
1 Cup Orange Juice
1/4 Cup Low Sodium Soy Sauce
2-3 T of Back Strap Molasses (it equates to one big glob from the jar)
3 cloves Garlic (finely chopped)
4 Pork Ribs
1. Prepare the Tofu by opening the package and draining the water, place the tofu on a plate and place another plate on top of it with something heavy to add weight – I used canned veggies.  Let the rest of the water be pressed out of the Tofu for about 10 – 15 minutes and then drain the remainder of the liquid.
2. Mix the orange juice, soy sauce and molasses and garlic together in a bowl.
3. Pour 3/4 of the mixture in a sealable container or plastic bag and the remainder in a shallow dish.
4. Salt and pepper the Ribs – go light on the salt as you are going to marinate in Soy.  Add the ribs to the 3/4 of the liquid and marinate for at least 30 min. possibly over night (if you have time – I never plan that well.)

Monday, March 1, 2010

My visit to Chua Quan Am or How Aliyah fell on her butt during a Buddhist Service…

imageWhat an interesting day, blogged about going Vegetarian for the week, and explored the various types of Tofu.  After this delightful research I was off to the Buddhist Temple.  You enter the temple under an impressive arch that is just large enough for a single car to pass through and drive down the gravel drive as the rocks crunch under the tires.  Of course before I entered I managed to drive past it, pull into the wrong driveway- end up on the wrong side of the temple only to have to turn around and go back under the arches…. Anyway… my temple visit  was exactly what I had imagined and at thesame time was completely different.  When you enter you are welcomed by the smell of incense and rice, which is intoxicating.  We were greeted at the door and were all given the most welcoming hugs by the tiniest woman, she then beckoned for the assistance of an English speaking member who gave us a brief tour of the main room or the communal dining area.  The first things that you notice are the tables full of food and the book shelves full of literature so I was immediately enthralled.  To the left of the dining room was the kitchen filled with women rushing back and forth either in greeting to one another or taking offerings into the Temple.  I learned that many of the idols or statues you see in people’s homes are often blessed by the Master of the Temple.  They seem to frown on people

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