Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a big believer in natural remedies. I stumbled across this article and thought it would be a great one to share. Dr Mao also has some other interesting articles which you can find here… Stay tuned by the way… I have a recipe for homemade marshmallows coming up in the next few days!!!

By Dr. Maoshing Ni - Posted on Tue, Nov 24, 2009, 11:22 am PST
Stuffed with stuffing, filled with turkey, crammed with cookies, and saturated with alcohol. Now what? Holidays call for celebration, and many of us know the consequences that come from overindulging in alcohol and food. Sometimes, despite out best intentions, we overdo it. This holiday season, detoxify and recover naturally with the tips that follow.
Chinese medicine views proper digestion as the most essential component in living a long and healthy life. Your digestive function is made up of numerous organs all working together to break down, absorb, and process all of the nutrients in the food you eat. Without healthy digestion, you can become malnourished and toxins will build up in your body, leading to degenerative diseases and rapid aging down the road.
Indigestion is caused and made worse by overeating--especially rich, fatty, spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, and acidic foods. These remedies will get your digestion on the right track.