A little about me for good measure..... My name is Aliyah(Alea) and I have always been a little different (that should be a good starter). I married my husband Lloyd when I was 19 years old and no - there were no children involved - I found him knew he was perfect for me and refused to give him enough time to think it over. So after dating for maybe a year, we were married in Enon, North Carolina in my Great Grandmothers church. We always knew that we did things differently , thought differently and had different priorities than other people but we had each other and that is all that mattered. After almost 8 years of marriage and 5 different residences we have landed on a house in High Point which I adore. It is perfect for us and we have spent a ridiculous amount of time remodeling it to our liking - we are now off to the outdoors! So the basic plant contents of my yard consists of Monkey Grass and Hostas - of course I do have some others but those would be the primary plants (not by choice). We are now working on our garden to live a little more off the grid and in an effort to control what we actually put in our bodies. Reading my favorite blogs and the research that has been done is scary at best - did you know that you can contract MERSA from eating Pork! I will find a link to the article and post it if you are curious. Anyway, I am off and I am hoping that this blog will be a link to people in North Carolina and elsewhere for travel, food and sustainable living. Wish me luck!!